Wednesday, 6 November 2013

A Holloway home

The Castle. Gosh, where to even begin.
I think the name itself gives enough description. An extremely large den that I spend my weekends in entirety sinking bulk booze and come Monday ponder the life it has created.
Basically the Castle is my group of guy friends' house in London. The entire story is intense and long winded but let's just say, these boys are the greatest friends I could possibly have made over here.
Given they are all from Brisbane, without knowing them from home besides one, it is a tragedy it took so long to get here. Once you enter you are in a vortex that you can't control.

The kings of the Castle are so incredibly varied in their personalities whilst having one thing in common - they aren't here to fuck spiders. I believe the philosophy is "drinking your beer, worship Springsteen and never turn down a Sunday kebab". Lately, the Castle has accrued two new members -  or depending on how you look at it, or how much you know, three - to the boardroom. Both of them are amazing friends of mine from back home that fit into it like a glove and I couldn't be happier.

On a serious, or not so note. I am now employed! Ironic as it may be, I work for an Australian investment company called Macquarie as what only can be described as a glorified receptionist.
The corporate world is so different from anything I was used to. There is a team of 5 of us, and if I am completely honest, we all couldn't be any different if we tried. Despite our differences it is really nice to have work friends again. One of the boys I am exceptionally close with. Londoner, doesn't give too much of a shit and is happy to join me on the occasional boozy lunch. It's no career move but the anxiety of job hunting is over and settling into London is growing rapidly.

Speaking of settling into London. The house hunt is over! Well so to speak. As of Sunday, 4 of my guy friends and I move into a new house in Holloway, 4 streets away from the Castle. Dangerous, I know. Living with 4 boys is going to be so strange. I am so torn with emotions because moving out of where I am and actually doing it on my own is so big. Not only that but if you asked me this time last year, never would I have picked this to be my life. I am so excited and apprehensive at the same time. As always I could go on with the stories of the past however if there's one thing London has taught me, you can never go back. There is always something new to see and learn and once you've broken away from your comfort zone there is no telling what could happen. At the end of the day, nothing ever goes away until it teaches you what you need to know.

- Holloway rat.

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